"Orthosiphon stamineus is a traditional herb that is widely grown in tropical areas. It is also known as Orthosiphon aristatus. The plant can be distinguished by its white or purple colored flowers that resembles cat whiskers. The herb is popularly known as Java tea. It is also commonly referred as "Misai Kucing" which means cat whiskers. O. stamineus is used widely in the form of herbal tea among the South East Asian population .[citation needed] Java tea was possibly introduced to the West in the early 20th century. The brewing of Java tea is similar to that for other teas. It is soaked in hot boiling water for about three minutes, and honey or milk is then added. It can be easily prepared as garden tea from the dried leaves."
- Source : Wikipedia
“Seeds have the power to preserve species, to enhance cultural as well as genetic diversity, to counter economic monopoly and to check the advance of conformity on all its many fronts.”
- Michael Pollan, Second Nature: A Gardener's Education
Misai melintang? hehe
ReplyDeleteAda kawan ckp mcm A.Galak dah Awin...hehehe
DeleteLynaa, ini untuk kencing manis kan? Keringkan dulu the baru buat macam tea tu eh?
ReplyDeleteHi,Honey.....fr apa yg i baca bagus utk kencing manis, darah tinggi, gout etc....tapi kena baca la mcm mana cara ambil herba ni......so far i makan buat ulam je....:)
Deletemisai kucing mmg banyak khasiatnyer.. ade orng byk jgk pokok tp masih dok dlm plastik itam lg huhuh
ReplyDeleteorg mana tu UmmuAidan? org Fiji ke? hehehe :P insyaAllah, kita usaha....semua Allah tentukan.....:)
DeleteLyna..akak pernah try semai keratannya ...tak menjadi hu hu camnne nak tengok misai tu!
ReplyDeleteK.Mar....ni saya dapat anak pokok from kawan......kalau baca semai from keratan batang je....saya pon belom cuba lagi...nnt nak cuba beranakkan pokok ni bagi byk....kalau jadi nnt saya share....:)
Deletesalam lynna, penah lawat ldg misai kucing kat perlis...mmg cantik sungguh bunga misai kucing penuh ldg...depa buat cordial misai kucing...sedap!
ReplyDeleteWsalam Ana....mmg cantik bunga dia kalau byk2..ni pokok saya baru ada satu ja bunga...tuh pon excited terlebih hehehe.....& menarik tu kordial misai kucing....:)
DeleteAssalam Lynna,
ReplyDeletebunga misai kucing tu cantik la...bertingkek-tingkek.
khasiat banyak,leh buat edible garden dengan bunga dia. :)
Wsalam Ibu Qis....kalau dia berbunga byk2 mmg cantik...ni pokok saya baru secoet je hehehe.....;)
ReplyDeleteSy suka bunga dia..bunga dia warna ungu pun ada kan.mmg misai melintang ni..hehe
ReplyDeleteHaah...warna purple pon ada...:)
DeleteBig bos KBB ada yang purple bunga tapi dia tanam dekat land below of the wind je.